Preamble and Declaration of Mohawk University
By the power of the Great Creator, it is given to men and women the right of free will, to make laws for the good conduct of a fair and just society. And it is to this same authority that we humbly petition for wise guidance in the destiny of the people of the longhouse as one, united land.
Wherever tyranny has sought to subjugate and enslave, it is called upon individuals of history and moral courage to stand firm against such ignorance and evil. And while it may for generations appear that such occupations are unable to be dislodged, the unending sands of justice inevitably erode even the tallest fortress.
For whenever a body is torn through some violent act, its spirit cannot rest. Therefore, when such ancient land as ours has been forcibly divided, the spirits of countless generations cannot rest free until justice prevails.
Our proverbial Longhouse is an ancient land and a proud land. It is a place of great historical culture both from the days of the legendary Sky Woman to the centuries of warriors, authors and artists. Yet the history of this great land is also full of tragedy and regret.
The English rule of of the Americas was at times conducted with tremendous cruelty and inhumanity. Many hundreds of thousands of innocent people have lost their lives over past centuries through acts of deliberate starvation and genocide. At the same time, those who have fought for the freedom of our homelands are not without blame, for as many evil acts of murder, torture and terror have also been made in the name of freedom.
Evil begets Evil. Blood spilled on both sides of the cause for survival, freedom and unity of our Homelands only ferments more anger and neither helps to heal the sins of the past, nor advance the case of a free and united Mohawk Nation.
So it is to be commended and praised to those men and women who now lay down their arms in both the struggle for a free and united Mohawk Nation and those that have resisted such an event. For no greater courage can a person display than the act of peaceful and moral defiance in the face of oppression and injustice.
Yet while the acts of the past are fading, there are those even now who seek to rekindle the history of bloodshed of others to claim both a moral and spiritual right to deny the unification of our Homelands. They are ones who claim not allegiance to the soil beneath their feet but the crown of another land. In being so inclined, such people by their actions forfeit any legitimate right to argue against unification. For only a true warrior of the our homeland considers first what is best for the sanctity of the land and the community and second what obligations and allegiances exist to some foreign power.
And while some may still try and argue that what divides Mohawk and Mohawk are too great and that too much history has occurred for anything other than a broken land, such arguments do insult the very word of God they claim to follow. For it is our solemn duty as Mohawk to rise above our differences and seek redress, without condition. It is not for us but Creation to judge. And it is our creator that has given us the heart and mind to respect these truths.
And so on this day we petition our demands to the government of England, Canada and the United States to recognize the historic sovereign right of the Mohawk Nation to self determination and governance of all its land and territories. That people of sound and reasonable mind from all sides may first obtain recognition of this right without any conflict or bloodshed.
- That the Parliament of England and Canada pass an Act of law recognizing the historic and sovereign right of the Mohawk Nation to self determination and governance of all its land and territories and that the land now called Haldimand Province is rightfully part of the whole of Province of Continental America;
- That both the Crown and Parliament of England and Canada cease claiming the territory of the Mohawk Nation in its official title.
- That a date is set whereby the administration of Crown Governments and all its apparatus shall be suspended and full control shall be given to the government of the Mohawk Nation of the Grand RIver under this Constitution;
- That all troops of Britain and Canada shall withdraw from Mohawk National soil.
A plan for that purpose
To these ends, this document is created. It is a document that supports the great hopes and dreams of all the people of the Mohawk Nation and their descendents. That we shall live in peace. That there shall be no more war or famine. In firm unity of purpose that every person shall have the right of free expression of religion and opinion without fear or favour.
We enact the validity of this document today with our signatures and our action to approve this document through the appropriate process into its position as prime law.
We solemnly swear this document to be the one and only true Constitution by which the People of Mohawk University shall exist now and every point in its future.