The Cannabis Growers of Grand River Country Society

Ó:SE KENHIONHATA:TIE + Our Country, Our Law, Our Future

History in Brief of the ancient hemp growers society

Established in 909 August 18, the Five Nations Iroquois confederacy consisted of the Mohawks, the Oneidas, the Onondagas, the Cayugas, and the Senecas. When the Tuscaroras (People of the Hemp, Protectors of the Seed) joined in 1712 the union adapted the name Rotinonshonni, which translates to mean “Those men building a longhouse or Extended Family”.


Who we are, Our Purpose

The Cannabis Growers of Grand River Country society is an association of cannabis businesses within the Grand River Country that are dedicated to building a non-colonial, free and fair craft cannabis economy.

It was founded on the belief that every Mohawk National and such others of the Six Nations Confederacy (including but not limited to Canadians) retain the right to access high-quality, locally grown cannabis from a craft cannabis producer of their choosing, and that the best way to produce cannabis is to empower local entrepreneurs to create jobs and support their local economy.

Helping our Community

The CGGRC society is an association of cannabis growers, dispensaries, resin extractors and other product experts, who are dedicated to creating a set of strong industry standards to govern the craft cannabis marketplace. It was founded on the belief that a vibrant craft cannabis marketplace can provide safe, tested product to be enjoy across Grand River Country.

Working for you, Advocacy

The CGGRC society advocates on behalf of cannabis entrepreneurs in Grand River Country, informs the public and policy makers, and pursues other activities with the aim of achieving and maintaining a free and fair marketplace for all cannabis businesses.

Working for you. Member Benefits

We work closely with vendors, suppliers and other merchants catering to cannabis growers by negotiating and securing preferred pricing for our members. Products and services available range from fertilizers to financial services.

Developing Industry. Best Practices

Our vast network of cannabis entrepreneurs have come together in order to develop what we consider to be the world’s best practices. We think the results speak for themselves and we work to ensure that all our members follow these tried and true methods.

Taking Charge, Our leadership

Our members are represented by a multi-faceted board and executive committee. Each brings deep experience, passion, and an unwavering commitment to building a strong nation and cannabis industry ready to serve the needs of the Mohawk Nation and such others of the Six Nations Confederacy.

CGGRC leadership is charged by our members with maintaining the integrity of our industry, while striving for continuous improvements in the quality of Grand River Country cannabis.

We believe that Canada should embrace a Grand River Country and GRC cannabis economy, just like craft beer and local wineries, and empower local farmers and dispensaries to safely grow and sell high-quality, sustainable cannabis.

Unfortunately, not everybody agrees that Mohawk small businesses should have a right to grow and sell cannabis.

These organizations are fighting for restrictive monopolies for the benefit of a few corporate insiders, shutting out the small local businesses that could create jobs and economic benefits across Grand River Country.

The Cannabis Growers of Grand River Country are fighting to prevent those monopolies and ensure a fair, sustainable cannabis marketplace, but we need your help.

If you support our vision for a Grand River Country craft cannabis economy, donate to our fundraising drive and help keep craft cannabis visible.

The mark of quality

The CGGRC member growers that pass our rigorous standards for producing the world’s best cannabis are awarded the prestigious CGGRC Certified badge that they can display on all their marketing materials.

Better Growing. Education

If you’re looking to get involved in the cannabis economy, then the Cannabis Growers of Grand River Country should be your first stop.

You’ll be connected to Grand River Country’s most experienced cannabis experts in order to share knowledge and stay within current regulations.

Visit CGGRC for more details: