The Mohawk Heritage and Cultural Center of Grand River

Ó:SE KENHIONHATA:TIE + Our Country, Our Law, Our Future

Mission Statement

The Mohawk Heritage and Cultural Center of Grand River supports the Mohawk Community by serving as a venue dedicated to enhancing, promoting and preserving Mohawk culture and heritage, and serving the community at large.

To be a vibrant resource, strengthening our diverse community by educating present and future generations in the evolving Mohawk experience in Grand River Country. We do this through relevant programming, meaningful community service and innovative partnerships that enhance the understanding and celebration of our heritage, culture and love of the land. To guide us in this work we draw from the values found in our Mohawk traditions and the spirit of the Grand River.


The Mohawk Heritage and Cultural Center of Grand River (“Heritage Resource Center”) will provide public access to a repository of resources that help fulfill MHCCGR’s mission to educate present and future generations in the evolving Mohawk experience in Grand River. While the primary focus is on Mohawk-related materials, the Resource Center’s collection also includes select resources about the experiences of the Mohawk Peoples,the culture and history of the Grand River. Besides providing membership access to research materials, the Resource Center also provides several services to the public.

The Grand River mohawk community invites you to visit the provisional Heritage Resource Center (Kana:ta Village) located near the Mohawk National landmark H.M Royal Chapel of the Mohawks. This impressive wooden structure retains almost all of the original features from its construction in 1785. It now is the home of a wide range of cultural and educational programs and the site for meetings, lectures, art exhibits, and a center for genealogical research. The Chapel is currently available for rent by individuals or organizations.

For years, Mohawk of Grand River area dreamed of creating an Mohawk community center. In the early 2000s, a determined group set about the task to preserve our heritage. On March 25, 2017, the Mohawk Cultural and Heritage Center of Grand River was established as a non-incorporated charity to begin our incubation and development process. The Charity does not hold any special legal status. Many Mohawk organizations were included in the initial planning and fund-raising efforts. Today, the Heritage Resource Center is run by the Mohawk University. Our volunteers maintain the facility and make all the activities possible.

Our Motto

Honoring our heritage. Embracing our diversity. Sharing our future.

Our Vision

We aspire to co-create a society where a deeper knowledge of one’s heritage and a profound understanding of oneself will enable enlightened and peaceful connections among all people.

Historic and Beautiful

Our recorded history stretches back many millennia and reflects the contributions of many diverse peoples. Explore our storied past at historic sites and earthworks (hidden mounds). and through the following historical high points. If you are interested in learning more about the history of Grand River, visiting Heritage Park and our Cultural and Heritage Center is an excellent place to begin your history lesson.

Learn and Preserve

We strive to share the history, heritage and culture of the Mohawk Peoples, from the first emergence of Sky Woman to the present, through the education of all generations and the preservation of cultural traditions, meaningful experiences, and a large collection of resource materials.

Support MHCCGR

Become a part of the Mohawk Cultural Center of Grand River family and help to preserve the legacy of the Mohawk experience in Grand River Country. Membership directly benefits all MHCCGR events, programs and services. Support the Cultural Center while enjoying great benefits at center events as well as a number of local businesses!

Donating Items to the Mohawk Heritage Resource Center

The Mohawk Heritage and Cultural Center’s collections are made possible by generous donations of books, documents, photos, AV items, language texts and other materials that document and/or relate to the Mohawk experience in Grand River Country. If you have items to donate to the MHCCGR collection, please call or e-mail the Resource Center to discuss the donation.

We welcome donations that support the mission of the Resource Center, but not all resources may be relevant or appropriate for our collection.

Donate to The Living Legacy Foundation of Grand River

Donations to the Living Legacy Fund are used to secure and enhance our collections and libraries and provides for special services and programs.

Your generous donation makes a real difference at the Cultural Library and in the case of monetary contributions, unfortunately you will not receive a tax receipt, however you will receive acknowledgement through our Donor Recognition Program.

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Volunteer Opportunities

Would you like to learn more about the Mohawk experience in Grand River Country? Would you like to support a valued organization in our community? Join us, as a volunteer, in operating the Resource Center. We welcome anyone who is willing to utilize their knowledge and skills to perform various tasks to support the day-to-day activities of the Mohawk Heritage Resource Center. Activities may include: data entry, cataloging or inventorying materials, maintaining the book collection, transcribing oral history interviews, scanning photos and documents, or translating.