Mohawk Nation of Grand River Country, Mohawk University

Ó:SE KENHIONHATA:TIE + Our Country, Our Law, Our Future

The Mohawk Charitable Foundation for Grand River and Learning Organization (“Mohawk University“) exists to provide services to its members; and to enter into mutually beneficial relationships with other charitable foundations, nonmember persons, states, and other parties.

The Charitable Foundation is a non-incorporated, pre-columbian longbody existing within the metes and bounds of A’nowara’ko:wa, for greater certainty but not limited to the Grand River Country (“Haldimand Province“). The first charitable foundation to be formed under the jurisdiction of the Mohawk Nation of Grand River Country.

The Mohawk University will provide services to all members and non-members under its jurisdiction until another Mohawk Nation foundation becomes ratified, at such point any Mohawk Nation members beyond the Grand River would come under the jurisdiction of their own respective Mohawk Nation foundation.

The directors of the Mohawk University welcome any interest and look forward to a further expansion of the Mohawk Nation.

Important Announcement: Temporary Suspension of the Mohawk Language Initiative

Dear Members and Supporters of the Mohawk Language Initiative,

I hope this letter finds you well, and I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support and dedication to the preservation of the Mohawk language. Today, we find ourselves facing a challenging situation, and I am writing to request your continued support to overcome this obstacle. Read full notice here:

Grand Back Journal RSS Feed

PRESS RELEASE: Mohawk University Announces Two Groundbreaking Initiatives

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE TSI’KANATA:HERE, — Mohawk University, a learning organization dedicated to advancing the rights and well-being of the Mohawk Nation of Grand River, is proud to unveil two transformative initiatives designed to empower our [...]

September 15, 2023

Unraveling the True Meaning and Impact of Land Acknowledgments

Introduction Land acknowledgments have surged in popularity in recent years as a way for organizations and individuals to recognize and honor the traditional indigenous territories upon which they reside. These acknowledgments can take various forms, from [...]

July 26, 2023

Understanding the Complexities of Dissolving Innocent Third-Party Purchaser Status

The legal doctrine of "Laches" concerns negligence in fulfilling a duty or taking advantage of an opportunity. Specifically, it refers to an undue delay in asserting a legal right or privilege. This defense is often raised [...]

July 23, 2023

Preserving Autonomy and Exclusive Use of Lawfully Acquired Lands

Deep in the heart of the Grand River, a unique community thrives in a land that remains untouched by Canadian sovereignty. The Mohawks, possessing total autonomy and exclusive use of their acquired territory, continue to [...]

July 19, 2023

Journey to Prove and Certify Ancestral lineage and legal Posterity

In a world where it's easy to lose your identity, Benjamin Doolittle UE was able to find evidence that he was the legal heir of the lands acquired by a special treaty known as the [...]

April 5, 2023